My Top 5 Favorite Books on Women’s Leadership & Allies

My Top 5 Favorite Books on Women’s Leadership & Allies

Top books supporting women’s leadership and allies I am often asked, what books do you recommend for women’s leadership?  My answer, these five: Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brene is the thought leader on empathy and vulnerability.  As a researcher on shame, she...
Passion Fatigue:  Why Just Following Your Passion is Bad Career Advice

Passion Fatigue: Why Just Following Your Passion is Bad Career Advice

One of my favorite podcasts is Work Life hosted by Adam Grant.  It is witty, unconventional, and focuses on how to “make work not suck.”  Adam is an ally for equality and showcases a wide variety of diverse talent on his show.  If you have yet to check out his work, I...
Taking My Daughter to Work and What I Hoped She Would Learn

Taking My Daughter to Work and What I Hoped She Would Learn

Today is “Take Your Kid to Work Day.”  A few days ago, I did just that. Some weeks are fiercer than others.  This week, I was a road warrior traveling to California for a speaking engagement, then red-eyeing home to a full calendar of client appointments...
Equal Pay Day:  Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day: Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day is in April In honor of Equal Pay Day, I am sharing what it is, why we all benefit from everyone being paid equally, and simple steps you can take to be a part of the solution vs. the problem. How did it get started? The day was originated by the...