As a busy professional, we understand that you have lots of priorities and many things vying for your time.
Learn virtually or hire Julie to speak on any of these topics.

Courses Include:
Lead With Influence
Expand self-awareness. Ask for feedback. Know genuine purpose.
Strategize Work & Life Wellness
Know your why. Give through compassion. Prioritize sleep.
Manage Conflict
Demand healthy debate. Hold the team accountable. Build a culture based on trust.
Calculate Your Career
Know the skills and wills. Create the ideal job description. Map the resume.
Bolster Your Authentic Confidence
Know what fuels it. Reinforce it. Seek out challengers.
Build A Career Game Plan
Craft a pivot line statement. Set goals. Prioritize competencies. Determine the actions steps.
Lead Across Generations
Understand “coming of age” experiences. Flex your leadership style. Align your values.
Build A Culture Of Allies
Channel empathy. Share your story. Speak up together. Integrate work & life.
Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence
Assess, learn the neuroscience behind and practice strategies to improve your emotional intelligence.
Coach Your Team To Success
Practice active listening. Ask crisp, open-ended questions. Promote self-discovery.
Negotiate For What You Want
Channel your purpose and passion. Open from a place of positive intent. Align your ask with your audience’s wants.
Retain Women Leaders
Improve access to sponsors/mentors. Align personal value and purpose with their work. Provide guidance and feedback to coach women to success.
Communicate With Your Natural Style
Learn your natural communication style and how to flex it. Commit to specific strategies.
Speak Up Together For Equality
Amplify each other’s voices. Be her voice when she is not there.
Share Your Story For Equality
Own your story – where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go. Listen to her story.
Channel Empathy For Equality
Channel those you empathize to others. Start the dialogue with the what’s in it for men (WIIFM).
Lead As an Ally
Engage your allies. Be even more of an ally to others.
Integrate Work & Life For Equality
Practice self-care. Do the fair share.
Build a Culture of Inclusion
Understand why diversity matters. Build inclusive leadership skills. Align core values.
Be A Mentor
Be an effective ally. Mentor women effectively.
What Makes Your Business Different
Craft differentiators. Know your customers, competition, and capabilities. Build a plan for success.
Delegation: How to Let Go
Determine best situations to delegate. Craft a plan to delegate. Communicate to ensure follow through.
Leader is Coach
Learn when to ask vs. when to tell. How to craft open questions. Create space for others.
Conduct Candid Conversations
Brainstorm approaches to tough conversations. Understand your role. Adapt to others.
Unpack Privilege
Identify your privilege. Tools for changing cultures. Tips to leverage your privilege for good.
Make the Invisible Visible for Diversity
Learn about others that are different than you. Embrace visible and invisible differences. Be brave as an ally.
Inclusive Leadership
Craft your cultural values. Learn the skills and behaviors of inclusive leaders. Coach to success.
Conduct Candid Conversations Part II
Know your role. Own your part. Uncover your bias.
Increasing Visibility in the Workplace: Tools to Bolster Your Authentic Confidence
Envision your most confident self. Exercise a positive mindset. Learn the soft skills to get what you want.
Inclusion Drives Diversity: Know Your Values & Craft Your Story
Define your core values. Craft your own diversity story. Share your story.
Gender Balance in the Workplace: 10 Ideas for Your Organization to Drive Value
Learn the 10 things you can do to be an ally on gender balance. Get tools to help others. Practice bravery and courage.
Monetize Your Purpose
Craft your purpose. Build a business and/or career around your purpose. Increase your visibility.
Blurred Lines: The Gender Spectrum and Its Impact on Human Resources
Define what the gender spectrum is and why it matters. Share best practices for organizations looking to be inclusive of all genders.
Lead Like an Ally: Inclusive Leadership Attributes
Learn the 12 proven attributes. Assess your organization. Preview the program.
Why Inclusive Leadership Programs Fail
Learn the 4 most common barriers. Action plan how to remove barriers. Practice gaining buy-in on approaches.
Success Through Storytelling
Learn why storytelling matters. How to craft a compelling story. The three stories you need to own, and a proven framework to share your story.
Confirmation Bias: What You Think You Know is Actually Holding You Back
Define what it is. Strategies to manage confirmation bias. Tools to create cultural shifts of inclusion in your organization.
Coming Soon
Self-Care Strategies: Take Care of Yourself to Take Care of Others
Coming Soon
Changing Management Perspectives for More Diversity