How to Stop Generational Differences From Derailing DEI Initiatives

There are four different generations in the workplace today and their views on DEI vary drastically – here’s how to stop these generational differences from derailing DEI efforts.

There has been a tug-o-war between the four different generations in the workplace and their views on diversity, equity and inclusion practices, as of late. As millions of Baby Boomers retire each year, the workforce welcomes many more Generation Z workers and their demand for a more inclusive workplace.

Research indicates that those of the Baby Boomer generation view DEI lower on their list of workplace priorities, members of Generation X have mixed views, Millennials recognize its importance, and Generation Z, the most diverse and most-educated American generation yet, believe that workplace equity is imperative. They feel so strongly about inclusive workplace cultures that they rank it above flexibility and compensation as a priority.

With this shift in generational leadership in organizations, many leaders wonder, how can I get all generations, with their vastly differing views, invested in creating a more inclusive workplace?


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