Passion Fatigue:  Why Just Following Your Passion is Bad Career Advice

Passion Fatigue: Why Just Following Your Passion is Bad Career Advice

One of my favorite podcasts is Work Life hosted by Adam Grant.  It is witty, unconventional, and focuses on how to “make work not suck.”  Adam is an ally for equality and showcases a wide variety of diverse talent on his show.  If you have yet to check out his work, I...
Equal Pay Day:  Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day: Why it Matters and What You Can Do About It

Equal Pay Day is in April In honor of Equal Pay Day, I am sharing what it is, why we all benefit from everyone being paid equally, and simple steps you can take to be a part of the solution vs. the problem. How did it get started? The day was originated by the...
Top 10 Strategies for Gender Equality & Our Allies

Top 10 Strategies for Gender Equality & Our Allies

Stay ahead on gender equality and the diversity curve with these proven strategies I am constantly asked for tangible tips to achieve gender equality in the workplace. To which I often respond with a shrug and, “it’s not that simple.” We cannot undo centuries of...
Happy New Year:  Candid Conversations Podcast

Happy New Year: Candid Conversations Podcast

Start out 2019 right, listen, learn, and live candidly Happy New Year!  As we celebrate the beginning of 2019, we want to show our appreciation to you for following us, for engaging in our content online, and for being allies for equality! We have 40+ podcast episodes...